Noves Now Supports Arbitrum Nova



4 min read

Noves Now Supports Arbitrum Nova

Networking Brunch with Blockdaemon

To continue providing total coverage for EVM-compatible chains and beyond, we’re announcing our latest integration - Arbitrum Nova. Here's a closer look at what Arbitrum Nova is and why it's important for us and our users.

Understanding Arbitrum Nova

Who is Arbitrum Nova for?

Arbitrum Nova is an Ethereum Layer 2 scaling solution designed to improve upon the current capabilities of the Ethereum network. It operates based on the AnyTrust protocol, providing a combination of trustless security, Ethereum compatibility, enhanced scalability, and cost-efficiency. By managing data off-chain, Arbitrum Nova can drastically lower transaction costs. It secures these transactions by relying on a committee, where at least two members are assumed to provide the necessary data in the event of a dispute.

Why Noves is Supporting Arbitrum Nova

After seeing the success of its predecessor, Arbitrum One, we expect Arbitrum Nova to be widely adopted. Our decision to support this new chain was influenced by the robust infrastructure available for integration, making the process seamless and efficient.

How Noves Integrates with Arbitrum Nova

Noves data vlow

Our integration with Arbitrum Nova is a "real-time" setup. This means that we query nodes and other infrastructures as requests come into our API, providing immediate and comprehensive coverage of the chain. As demand increases, we may consider shifting this setup to one of our indexing systems to optimize response time and throughput.

The Opportunities Unlocked for Our Users

With Noves supporting Arbitrum Nova, customers deploying applications or conducting transactions on this chain can now extract necessary reporting through our standard APIs with no additional integration necessary. Essentially, we've eliminated the barrier for anyone who was previously deterred by the challenges of dealing with infrastructure and reporting on newer chains.

What’s Next for Noves?

To continue adding new chains and protocols, we're currently evaluating a number of ZK chains like zkSync Era and Polygon zkEVM. Preliminary discussions with EVMOS and Filecoin have taken place, and we are also planning to deploy on Base soon. We are in the beta phase for Aptos and are anticipating entering the Cosmos ecosystem.

At Noves, we are committed to providing frictionless blockchain data. By supporting Arbitrum Nova, we're taking another step toward making blockchain data clear, easy, and accessible for all. Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to grow and evolve.