Interview with a Founder (Juan)



6 min read

Tell me a little bit about what you’re doing at Noves

Juan: I would say that what we're doing is playing a pretty important role in mass adoption of blockchain by making a key piece of it, which is the data that it produces, more accessible to people and things built by people, like software and systems.

The thing about blockchain is it's a fast moving technology. It has a lot of different manifestations, different implementations, different ways of doing it, and every different way of doing it comes with its own rules and standards about how data is presented, and it can be very hard to make sense of that chaos.

So what we're doing is we're bringing order to chaos by simplifying, but not reducing in any way, the amount of substance that this data represents.

We make it more digestible for both humans and systems that are not blockchain-native to make sense of it, use it for whatever purpose they want to use it for and have it be accurate and understandable.

I take it that you believe blockchain adoption is important?

Juan: I do. I think blockchain solves one of the core issues that has always existed in humanity, which is how do we trust each other when we don't have any kind of personal relationship or any sort of non-material or non-economic way of knowing that I can trust you.

We have historically solved trust in two different ways. Either we implement systems that punish very heavily those who breach the trust of somebody else, or in a more modern, economic way, we buy or pay for trust.

Now me, coming from a non-Anglo-Saxon culture where we have a legal system where notaries are a huge part of it - they are legally obligated to be involved in a transaction of an expensive good, whether it is a home or a car or a boat - I came to understand very deeply how expensive this trust system is.

If I want to buy a house here, I'm going to have to pay 3% of the price that I pay for the house to a notary whose only job is to verify that the documentation provided to me by the current owner is accurate.

And that to me is the most obvious use case for blockchain, because if the history of the house’s owners were registered on a blockchain from inception, then it will be free to verify that the current owner is indeed the current owner because the house was transferred to him by the previous owner and the previous owner, up until the time that the house was built and register on the blockchain.

Why is Noves uniquely positioned for this?

Juan: I think that it has a lot to do with who we are, where we come from and where we were in the crypto space before starting this company.

Blockchain, being a nascent industry with a lot of chaos, can be very challenging to digest and to use even for someone who is on the more technically sophisticated side of things.

We both suffered through this as users of the ecosystem, in multiple ways. It was hard for me the first few months that I was doing stuff on Defi to just remember what I had done or where or why, because all I had was a listing on Etherscan that said, “Yeah, so you conducted a transaction four or five days ago and it seems like you transferred these tokens and then something happened” now I'm like, “okay, so then where are my tokens?”

All I can see is that they went to some address, but I have no idea what that address is or what I was intending to do. And if I tried to dig into the transaction, the first couple of times, I really had no idea what I should even be looking at. There's a lot of stuff that is not even in English, it’s in hexadecimal format and just nothing makes sense.

So from the perspective of just purely being a user, I faced a lot of issues in adopting the technology as a result of how indigestible some of the experience can be.

We come at it from that perspective, of having been users of the ecosystem with real struggles in adopting it effectively.

I would also say that even on the technical front, there is a difference between being good at infrastructure, purely infrastructure, and being good at software. If all you have is good infrastructure and no software on top of it that can really make sense of the data to analyze it, interpret it, and present it in a way that people will actually want to use it, then you're just missing one layer in the stack.

We've sort of been around the block on both the infrastructure side and the software side. We spent years managing servers and doing all kinds of really low level stuff with hardware and such. But we also spent years building software and tools and things that run on top of that stack. I think that we’ve been presented with a unique opportunity to mix both our backgrounds and our expertise into one product line which needs both.